Mumasa Style Monitor Training

A diploma in Mumasa Style is essential to be able to teach the Style and create and form your groups of participants.

For central and northern Spain and South America contact here:
Mentxu Arjonilla

Tel. +34 626 66 12 92

For southern Spain and South America inscription here:
María Va-Luènh
Tel. +34 649 87 80 13

Know yourSelf

Experiential weekend workshops

These are encounters with your Self together with others and their own movements of life. It is a space in which to connect with your body posture, with your attitude towards life, to breathe, to give yourself the permission to go inside and HEAL what you hold, to be able to look at it with other eyes (with a new vision)… and from there BLESS and LOVE what IS.

An opportunity where we can see the shadows and travel through them to get back to the space of LIGHT AND LOVE that we are.

It is a weekend of an integral "Tune-up" (physical, emotional, energetic-spiritual), cleansing and healing of memories to enter the experience of being totally present for two days in order to expand myself in light, beauty, love and joy. For my daily life: it helps me taste life, appreciate and enjoy the essential and stay present through posture and breathing. More calm, confidence, joy and happiness.

Ainhitze, 36Senior Technician of Image, Artistic Photography, Design in Permaculture and currently in training to be a Biodanza Facilitator

I started attending the Know yourSelf workshops four years ago.
This exciting experience has allowed me to discover many things about myself that I did not know, and that I love.
Sometimes I feel that my LIFE really started then and there.
I have been able to do an important job of healing negative emotions through forgiveness, and that has given me a great sense of PEACE. I have learned to FEEL without fear, to enjoy the sun, the rain, the laughter and the crying. During this time I got to know our spectacular guide, Mudra, and wonderful people who have accompanied me during this process and to whom I am very grateful.
I wish to continue on this path and be able to enjoy their company and wisdom. THANK YOU

Ana, 55Nurse

Native American Wisdom Workshops

Guided by Mudra Griebel, student of Swiftdeer, who in 1986 received his permission to share this Wisdom.

Swift Deer

Series of 4 weekend workshops on Native Wisdom transmitted through Harley Reagan Swiftdeer, member of the Twisted Hairs and chief of the Deer Tribe and Sun Bear, chief of the Bear Tribe and co-author of The Medicine Wheel: Earth Astrology.

Sun Bear

The objective of these meetings is that you enter into the center of your Circle of Being and accept the power and responsibility of the Creation of your life, that you better understand yourself and those around you and “dance your life” from love, peace, beauty, joy, light and healing energy to everything and everyone around you.